Alhamdulillah dapat kesempatan untuk ke Spanyol juga, tapi karena keterbatasan dana terpaksa hanya bisa presentasi paper via online.
International Conference ke Spanyol ini adalah salah satu dari belasan (atau puluha ya?) international conference yang aku ikuti. Semuanya berawal dari masa covid yang memberikan banyak waktu luang, dan beberapa tugas saat kuliah S2 master kebijakan publik untuk bisa mengirim paper ke jurnal dan conference. Eh ternyata aku kecanduan terus. Dan tahu-tahu jadi banyak banget.
Nih dia beberapa di antaranya:
2019. Women Poverty and Radicalism, 19 June, The 2nd Biennale International Converence, at Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherland
2021. Community Reading Space for Resilient City, September, at Eurasia Business Economic Society, Poland.
2021. Hybrid Learning Space by Literary Activist, September, at The 4th International Conference on Teaching, Learning,Education, Zurich
2021. Hybrid Paradox Mode for Resilience, October, atBarcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture, Spain.
2021. Literacy Festival for Text Workers Resilient, October, at the 37th EBES Conference-Berlin, Germany.
2023, Croatia Zagreb
2021. Society-based Reading Space for Resilient Community, October, at Indonesia Focus
2022. Collaboration of Literacy Communities For Creative City, at AIFIS -Michigan State University, America.
2023, IF, University Tennessee Chattanooga
2023, writing as healing at KCIF Conference Feminisme, Binghamtopn NY
2023, Nazareth College, NY conference
2021. Literacy Schools by Volunteer for Resilient Citizen, November, atWomen Asia Conference La Trobe University, Australia.
2022. Women Empowerment At Demak Coastal Region. May. At 24th biennial conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, Australia.
2022. Women Empowerment At Demak Coastal Region. May. At 24th biennial conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, Australia
MALAYSIA 2020. Books and Discussion Hybrid Space for Creative City, November, The 20th Sustainable, Environment and Architecture
2021. Hybrid Learning Space Models of Literacy Communities, October, at Asian Universities Alliances.
2021. Collaboration of Online Learning Platform for Resilience, September, at Asian Conference on Education, Tokyo.
2020. Alhikam Religious Book Insight for Resilience Mindset, January, at Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy, Tokyo.
2023, NAOME Jianghou China
2023, ACEER conference, China
2022. Hybrid Paradox Approach for Depolarization and Deradicalization, January, at Star Scholars Conference, India.
2021. Hybrid Paradox Approach of People Development for Human Resilience, Ocober, at The 4th International Conference of Strategic and Global Study, UI Jakarta.
2021. Hybrid Grebeg Besar and Syawalan for International Tourism of Demak, October, at The 2nd International Conference on Social and Political Development Issues, Semarang
2021, Hybrid Paradox Strategy for Community Engagement, July, atSoutheast Asia Conference on Media, Cinema and Art, UGM Jogjakarta.
2021. Hybrid Cultural Festivals of Demak for Halal International Tourism, October, at The 1ST International Conference On Sustainable Halal Industry, Semarang
2021. Society-Based Reading Space For Resilient City, September, at Siceto, Palembang.
2023, ICIR, Solo
2023, ISLAGE, Jogjakarta
2023, BCLL, Jakarta
2023, RIMICIF, Lampung
2023, Universitas Hasanuddin Makasar IPLBI
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