Jared Leto Quote
Belakangan ini aku jadi memperhatikan Jared Leto setelah poster film House of Guci beredar. Seorang multitalent, musikus, aktor, enterpreneur, photografer, nglukis juga, film director, writer, editor dll
Berikut beberapa quote Jared Leto yang menggugah
Be brave, follow dreams, say fuck you to everybody and fight for what you believe in. - Jared Leto #quotes #quote #inspiration
Try and fail, but never fail to try! - Jared Leto #quotes #quote #inspiration
"Music is subjective to everyone's unique experience"
"There is no price too high for the privilege of owning yourself" - @JaredLeto
"Don't ever ask for permission to follow your dreams..."
- @JaredLeto
“Times are changing
In the end the choice was clear
Take a shot in the face of fear
Fist up in the firing line
Times are changing”
We live in a society where honor is a distant memory
Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot. Jared Leto
#quote #success #selfdevelopment #starttoday #bethebest
~ It's not like I'm hanging out at shopping malls or going to celebrity golf tournaments. I'm so in my own little world. I got my dog, my music, my brother, a couple of friends.
~ Jared Leto
“I was raised around a lot of artists, musicians, photographers, painters and people that were in theater... We celebrated creative experience and creative expression.” - Jared Leto #JaredLeto
« Approval isn’t necessary. It’s nice when you get it, but it’s not going to stop us from being who we are » - #jaredleto
“Being different isn’t a bad thing. It means you’re brave enough to be yourself.” #quotes #quoteoftheday #theletoism #letoist #imletoist #30stm #thirtysecondstomars #quotestagram #inspirational #jaredleto
“All are #lunatics, but he who
can #analyze his #delusion is
called a #philosopher." -
#Quote #AmbroseBierce.
#Gif is @JaredLeto
"art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable"
“The biggest lesson she taught me was to dream, and then do the work it takes to make dreams a reality” @JaredLeto [about his mom] #quotes
“Never think about something wrong you did in the past, always look forward with your head up high; have no regrets.”
“Don't regret anything you do, because in the end it makes you who you are.”
“I always believe that the bridge between reality and a dream is work.”
- Jared Leto
As an artist I follow my heart, my soul, my gut. And do what the fuck I want to do. Jared Leto
Follow your dream and be steadfast. You are the director of your dreams. Listen to your heart, your soul or gut. And work hard to follow that through.
Jared Leto would love to see David Ayer’s cut of ‘SUICIDE SQUAD’.
“I would love for him to be able to work on that and make the film of his dreams.”
"chester was my friend as he was of many. Witnessing his life tought me to work relentlessly, persuing dreams, be kind and caring"~ @JaredLeto on MTV show
"You are the author of your own story, so dream big, work hard and make it happen, no matter what." - @JaredLeto ❤🙏🏻