- dress well or go home - love walking -love bike -we responsible to our own garbage
-on time -respect others -not judging -contribution for society -cooking by themselves -healthy lifestyle -enjoy life
There's no compromise. Even one second. Bus will go on time. Train door will be closed on time. I am almost pinched by metro door. Fortunately there are some people succed to pull the door again to let me in. I still can feel that door on my face & cheek right now. I almost dead
Just before metro comes, Ning ask me to take her pict. As usual, she isn't satisfied. She want me to take another shoot. Then I have not enough time to reach the metro. Ning puts me in trouble many times.But I'm trained to be managed by scorpio's flaws,so I survive
Walking with spoiled girl is actually not my preference.There're some occasions where I have opportunity to hang out or socialize with some kind of upper class.Sometime I think maybe time for me to upgrade of lift up my lifestyle etc.But many times I realize I was born to be egaliter
Because of the metro on time closing door also, 4 persons of tour group left in the metro while 6 other persons has out. The tour leader is forced to catch up those 4 to next station. It has been midnight,our journey obstructed because of this incident
But from this incident, we get another lesson. First, never far from the group or you will lost. Second, whatever happen, the group safety and togetherness is the priority. Rather than angry, we feel sorry n worry each other. Thanks God, we unite again
The most exciting about 2 weeks in europe is I can socmed fasting. Having 80 Whatsapp group make me tiring everyday. Then europe trip release me from that tension coz I don't even open whatsapp, except for conference and tour purpose. I get peace, feel contentful.
Dutch mindset that ignorant with other's business, inspires me to liberate my self more from irrelevant matters. It works well, actually. Because we don't have to endure unmecessary burdens. Lighter the load, more spacious life and soul.
At Holland, there's no people shout each other. No fight, no drama. No anger. No horn car shouting to pedestrian. No jam. Ney ney. Everyone act in silence. Very quiet in airport, station, train, bus, store, etc. Everyone looks happy, smile, laugh or stay calm.
Many people have enthusiast to learn and study. I meet Maroco girl who get 3 masters from VU univ for 3 different subject at same time. Spiritual science, communication and religious studies. She keeps chasing me after my paper presentation, asking many question etc
I also met Brazilian girl who get PhD in ecology subject. In Brazil, the education is free until PhD. She plan to teach in her university if possible. But she also has alternative plan to make online courses coz now we have more options and support tech in this era.
Hope this inspires you all!
Sungguh banyak pengalaman berharga dari kunjungan ke Eropa ini y mba.. TFS mba..
BalasHapusiya, mbak. Alhamdulillah alaa kulli haal. Sami-sami, mbak. You're most welcome :)
HapusBanyak banget pelajaran yang didapat ya. Memang apa konsekuensinya kalau ga well dressed?
BalasHapusKalau nggak well dress ya bakal merasa malu banget karena semua orang well dressed. Kebanyakan. Mostly
HapusWhaini... aku gabisa bhs inggris hihihi. Sekilas lihatnya membumi banget ya mbak. Lagian memang semuanya lebih alami gitu. Jadi pingin kapan gitu bisa sampe sana. Pokoknya sukses selalu buat Mbak Dian Nafi
BalasHapusIya mbak, ramah pada sesama manusia, ramah pada alam dan lingkungan. semoga kesampaian ya mbak. sukses juga untukmu mbak :)
HapusFinally, I can read your journey to Europe.
BalasHapusWhat a wonderful journey, you had learn so many things. I do learn from your experience too.
Thank you foe sharing.
Alhamdulillah. You are most welcome.
HapusIt is wonderful that those values come through our life. And hope it will remain long lasting and implemented in our life.
Di negara maju memang menyenangkan ya mbak. Selain bersih dan rapi juga terkesan lebih beradab. Seneng liat mba dian jalan2 ke eropa 😍
BalasHapusIya mbak.alhamdulillah diberi kesempatan untuk melihat langsung dan mencerap pelajaran pelajarannya yang berharga. Terima kasih mbak
Hapuswow, keren-keren ya tempatnya, pasti jadi pengalaman berharga nih, semoga kapan-kapan bisa menginjakkan kaki di eropa
BalasHapusMasih kurang lama sebenarnya karena masih banyak banget ya negara yang belum sempat dikunjungi tapi alhamdulillah tetap harus bersukur. Ayo wuri kita ke sana bareng. Aamiin
HapusBanyak kisah2 serunya ya Mba, kudu dipanjangin nih ceritanya...ke kota2 apa aja yg didatengin
BalasHapusAlhamdulillah,iya banyak kota dan banyak cerita. Sudah aku panjangin jadi beberapa postingan di web www.writravelicious.com
HapusSuch a great experience from euro trip. You look like you enjoyed it a lot 😁
BalasHapusYes, alhamdulillah really really great experiences and lessons. Thank you Lulu :)
HapusHahahaa bener banget mba, di Eropa kereta memang selalu on time. Enggak bakal meleset 1 menit pun. Jadi inget pas naik Inter Continental dulu dari Frankfurt ke Apeldorn, selama 3 jam lebih aku mengamati setiap kedatangan kereta ini di tiap station, selalu pas on time tak meleset sedikit pun. Jadi kalau dari jauh kira-kira kereta hampir sampai, mereka pelanin jalan kereta agar tiba di masing-masing stasiun sesuai jadwal. Berhenti nggak sampe 5 menit udah langsung cuzz lagi. Ga bisa untuk gaya-gayaan foto kayak di Indonesia. :)
BalasHapushahaha kalau mau gaya pephotoan harus punya banyak waktu ya. ambil kereta yang jadwalnya masih jauh
HapusWow! It really makes me amazed that education is free until PhD in Brazil. I hope I can make a trip to Europe someday.
BalasHapusEnak banget ya jadi anak Brazil hehe
HapusAmin semoga kapan-kapan bisa euro trip, mbak. really worthy
Punctuality is something that western people value so much hopefully we can learn that too. Thank you for sharing mbak
BalasHapussami-sami, mbak. you're most welcome :)
HapusGreat trip and wonderful memories.
BalasHapusLots of positive experience as well.
Hopefully someday, many of Indonesian tourist destinations could as good as the stories you have share above.
Aamiin. terus berharap dan semoga bisa bareng-bareng ikut mengupayakan agar bisa terwujud.
HapusAlhamdulillah, sampai juga di Belanda ya Mbak..ikut senang baca tulisannya, bahagia dan rileks..emejing efek Eropah hihi
BalasHapusMakasih makdew.
HapusAlhamdulillah. Iya ya efeknya kentara beut ya
Europe is always be my dream destination. When I was young, I dreamt to study in England.. but now I think I choose to walk around cities of Europe.. enjoying the old buildings that are taken care very well.. also enjoy the spring or winter..
BalasHapusaamiiin aamiin. Insya Allah our dreams will come true